Sunday, April 24, 2016

We are all equal

MAJOR reasons for individual animosities and global wars are kickstarted by polarities or non-compromises in the area of faith/religion (culture), politics and ideologies. When another energy or party bullies, imposes or forces its belief or stand over the other, it's going to be messy...

          I always believe that all religions and cultures, political ideologies or party principles—are hinged or dovetailed on a good thing, for the common good of the people and communities that these human-designed norms and tenets are meant for. Christian or Pagan, Buddhist or Muslim, Republican or Democrat, Filipino or Somali, Communist or otherwise, black or white or yellow or brown and red—we are all here to enjoy Earth and Life under universal good. Universal Good is no-brainer. It doesn't have to be discussed all the time on TV talk shows, or hallowed halls of power, or neighborhood cafe. A socialist finds it hard to vibe with a capitalist—but maybe southern blues rock can; a Pagan may not be able to share thoughts over sun and moon with a Christian but a nice brewed cocoa may gather them again; a Republican or Democrat may debate over Obamacare but, hey—sometimes they agree on a March Madness Bracketology. Whatever it is that we believe in, we have to stick by it, because I reckon all these that we believe in were originally guided by a sweet hand of goodness. The Holy Bible, Quran, Bhagavad Gita, The Red Book, I-Ching, paella, and strawberry salad—are all good, great and holy. Be consistent, be staunch, be cool.
          What I don't dig are those who tread contradictions in favor of convenience. Che Guevara was a true revolutionary who dug in the wicked woods of his wars—he didn't purchase that beret on Amazon or I don't think he squirmed over “bizarre” food in the jungles of Bolivia. Whoever god or god/dess that we pay praises for—I bet that spiritual light didn't say I have white, immaculate skin of purity and yours is tangerine flesh of doom. Criticize me, I'll criticize you; smile at me, I'll smile back at you—the human logic is quite simple. But sharing the good stuff is always more pleasurable than the opposite. When food is served on the table, the cook didn't say this lasagna is for Republicans and that pot pie is for Democrats. Or snow didn't just fall for the Cherokee, and rain didn't just flood Indonesians. We are all equal under the blue, blue sky—and down there, is murk and mud. We are the same as stones and wildflowers—although I dig the Bee Gees more than my friend's Rage Against the Machine. No big deal. It's all good. We don't have to argue about it. Dig? 

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