Friday, January 5, 2024

Again: America. China. And other Facebook stuff.

Ramble on: Just talking about stuff. Response friends’ post on Facebook, slightly edited. 

AMERICA needs Chinese raw materials (think API for drugs and those minerals for computer gadgets) and China loves American consumerism. That is why a US/China trade pact was signed in 2000. Yet while giant US corporations gained a lot of profit by moving factories to and subcontracting manufacturing in China, the Chinese didn't buy US stuff as expected. Hence the trade deficit. And so as China goes on with its trade expansionism sans military heft, we get annoyed. Jealous. Kickass academics dilute an objective discussion of the US/China thingy with their high- falutin' intellectualism. 

THE Chinese (like the Arabs) learned Western styled capitalism with a few effective modifications. More so, these: 1. China has ample raw materials or pertinent minerals that our "toys" need. Drugs, cars, e-gadgets. 2. China's "communism" is still there albeit "modified" to fit the globalized trade grid. Take note that that political system is powered by a huge population that is generally Han Buddhist. Religious. 3. China's major industries (including the world-leading 5 banks are state-owned; except big tech but these titans give a lot of money to CCP essentially for BRI expansionism). 

       Of course, American corporations are privately owned while the fantastic military budget is taxpayer people funded. The Arabs are pretty much like the Chinese. Now knowledgeable of Western capitalism. Industries are Sovereign Fund owned and its people united via Islam (the then warring Sunnis and Shias start to shake hands as Saudi Arabia, de facto leader of the Arab League, shook hands with Shia Iran. The Gaza war could unite the Arabs, especially that Syria has been taken back by the League. But that'd be discussing stuff further.) I digress… 🇺🇸☮️🇨🇳

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