Wednesday, September 11, 2024

All About the Kamala/Trump Debate.

My post and my response/s in my Facebook Page. 

ME: Voters must go beyond the “personality quotient” and instead zoom in on policy. Fact: Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’ four years are a failure, home-based and overseas. Washington leadership needs to regroup. Ms Harris and Mr Trump’s program of strategies differ. So we only need to look back at Donald’s 4 years and the current administration. Would America seek a repeat of the present or rely on Kamala's promises? Or rehash the other one that worked better? 🏛🗽🏛

<>Democracy is a drained, overused word. The phrase "Defend Democracy," I guess? Like toss taxpayer money to a war instead of forging peace? What/who are they defending? Corporate leverage. Trade/economic conquest? <>Abortion? It is illegal back home in the Philippines, law or religion. But hey, all kinds of "abortion" herbs can be obtained in stalls that freely circle the Catholic church in Quiapo. Meaning, abortion is a personal/individual choice. Not political. Not even religious to many. I respect those who did or those who didn't. They got reasons. <>Economy? Isn't life all about Economy? And that's a major reason, if not the #1 reason why Filipinos venture in America or overseas. I don't care about Trump's mouth or whatever JD thinks about my "papaet," as long as the economy goes back to how it was. And no wars.

<>To elaborate, we (Filipinos) are immigrants. And I live most of my life in America with Americans, under one roof and in/around the community. I get all kinds of racism, subtle and blatant, as I live my life. Must I dream that there's no racism? Nope, racism stays in people. We Filipinos also disparage blacks and Indians and Chinese and make fun of whites when they're not there. But as I said, we live in America. All I care about is a cool economy, I don't get shot while walking downtown, and to feed my personal advocacy: No wars. Then I am cool. Hell, I care if people ridicule my bizarre food or my people eat dog meat. I am not that juvenile touchy. People eat meat, period.

<>I don't really deal with the sideshows of the campaign. I am past the "political humor." Or what comes out of political mouths. I just mind the writings on the wall. Or what is "written right now" (2021 to now). Or policies after the fact/pledges.

<>The Constitution is a huge discussion subject. Examples: First Amendment is a contradiction. Everybody has the right to their opinion as long as the hearer/reader agrees; if not, that opinionated person is an asshole. Value human lives so it is okay to drop bombs elsewhere. Own guns as many as you wish (bump stock them even) regardless of the obvious. Extra marital sex: A great American hypocrisy yet the worst for me is the Chappaquidick tragedy of 1969 and BJs in the Oval Office of 1995. Hush money to a sex worker is extra dough to a good service. Got problems with the missus but to the "moralism of hypocrisy," uh huh? Etc etcetera. 

<>The Constitution. Yet I'd like to break down my ambitions to this: $842+ billion military spending ($916 billion in 2023) as the economy falters. FEMA on budget shortfall, millions of Americans without health insurance, homelessness exponentially spikes, and so on and so forth. The Constitution? America is so into a Constitution that cries out for revisions and amendments as the world changes and the United States loses global clout and influence? Should I rant how BRICS got stronger and expanded in Joe Biden's time?

<>Online activism is basically (re)sharing memes created by 13 year old nerds, applauding with the (political) choir, and disparaging the naysayers. Before I went to America, I already spent decades in the streets of dissent, sat with leadership of the Left, wrote manifestos and project proposals, worked with NGOs, wrote/edited for alternative media, was a PCGG staff, and was a member of premier activist groups in Manila. Internet life is essentially social media blahblah, heckling and shaming and super superlatives in the name of partisanship zealotry. 😏😒🤨

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