Monday, April 25, 2016

So another rock star passed away

SO another rock star passed away. Prince. We crowd our Wall with his music, images, and the good things that he was and he did. Each time a person that we so admire dies, we mourn like he/she's our next of kin, a close friend... Yet whenever this happens, a flipside of our humanity comes to the surface. One that is flawed yet human. We cuss and berate and lambast people who are not our idols like they are the darkest of knights, the coldest of nights. These people who happen to believe in a different faith, contrary politics, or even the way they live their life—we call them idiots, morons, dumb, douchebags etc etcetera.

          What if we say Prince the man, Prince Rogers Nelson, is actually a Jehovah's Witnesses devotee? Those dudes on white shirts and black ties that we usually eye with disdain as they approach our front porch with a Colgate smile on a weekend? Or do you know that Bono, the U2 frontman whose politics you may agree with, is a believer of Jesus Christ—and actually travels as an evangelical activist? Or how about Denzel Washington, the coolest dude, right? He doesn't approve of same sex marriage—and in fact hopes to be a preacher one day. We are nice to them because they are celebrities, larger than life—or maybe a notch different from the Baptist preacher that we always blame for all the bigotry in the world?
          People believe, people follow. People are different from us. There is a Universal Good and Evil. We know what is good and we know what is bad. So let us be kind and nice to one another—despite our differences. We are all trying to be good and be cool and co-exist under positive circumstances and peaceful wavelength.
          So as we end another day, as another cool human being passes away, let us take it easy and look within than without. Let us get off the frame of our personal prejudices and see only the good in the human heart. Anyone doesn't have to be a David Bowie or a Prince to deserve a little understanding and respect for what they are.

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